Firstly, I didn't want to add this page. I am far happier pottering around the flower power garden than being "out there" on a website but I am told people want to know who is behind a brand before they choose to buy...so this is my quick hello.
The Flower Power Company is teeny, tiny but just like a seedling, a lot of work has gone on under the soil to give birth to the brand.
When did it begin? It began 4 decades ago while I picked flowers in my childhood garden at our home in the lovely Lancashire countryside. As many children do, I tried to make perfumes from flower petals stuffed in a jam jar but with little success....
Life got busy and my garden passions were buried under other priorities but a cruel twist of fate brought me back home. My wonderful dad died suddenly in 2017 then 6 weeks later my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I spend a year caring for her while we watched flowers, birds, butterflies, ladybirds and more visit us. Treasured memories I was fortunate to share.
Grief then took over while I rebuilt my childhood bungalow into a new home for my family. The garden was a powerful reminder that life goes on and I found nature is such a great healer. I finally listened to the lesson my mum had taught me to take time to stop and smell the roses. Flowers truly do have power.
A skin cancer diagnosis on the first day of lockdown then stopped my world abruptly again but it also put everything into perspective. Being conscious about what I put on my skin and doing what I really want in life began The Flower Power Company journey of working with natural skincare specialists and dermatologists.
And then here we are today! Thanks for reading about my journey and welcome to The Flower Power Company where all my wonderful customers are as beautiful on the inside as the out.
Claire x